Cristallizzazione Ca Fiui

Sensitive crystallization

Taked from “Trame”, the depliant of Corte Sant’Alda

Sensitive crystallization, also called crystallization of copper chloride, is a sensitive method of analysis that is born from an idea by Rudolf Steiner. Steiner asked his right-hand man and closest research associate, Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, to find “that salt sensitive” that could show the qualitative content of a food. 

In that period, Steiner was concerned about the loss of nutritional forces within food substances, as a direct consequence of the manner in which the agricultural products were cultivated using the recent mass introduction of mineral fertilizers.

Pfeiffer found in 10% solution of copper chloride the answer of his master question. Why copper chloride? Among the various salts tested by Pfeiffer copper chloride showed the capacity particularly suitable in order to detect the “quality” of food substances. This salt never interacts with the test substance, but spread a short time to form a crystal. The development, the geometries and shapes that will “draw” will be subject to interpretative observation. In the case of wine we used 1 ml of white or red wine, 2 ml of copper chloride and 2 ml of pure water placed in a Petri dish (9 cm wide glass plate). This plate is then placed within a specific cabin which, by generating a slight heat source from below, allows the water to evaporate, and then the salt to migrate from the center of the plate to its periphery and become disposed according to a crystalline structure influenced from the sample. Here is the heart of the sensitive crystallization. The salt in fact, is so “sensitive”, without interacting with the substance but influenced by the same substance, a crystal form: this formation is a direct result of the “content” of the substance.

Few people know that a healthy, natural wine, “biodynamic” has content of organic matter and inorganic generally higher than a conventional wine. For more in-depth chemical analysis we can detect within these “healthy” wines increased presence of aromas, organic and biochemical molecules as well as important salts and minerals (dry extract, ashes). As if the substance was denser, and therefore more flavorful. Both the quantity of these principles within the substance both their harmonic organization to form the food, are SIGNIFICANTLY DETECTED by copper chloride.

In the case of healthy wine the salt is completely used in its migration path from the center to the periphery and is arranged in a typical way to form the crystal. The crystal thus formed has specific characteristics that will then be the object of interpretation. In particular, a structure is recognized, a weave, a vacuole that is the starting point of evaporation, a median field and a periphery.

The observer’s task is to interpret specifically all these formations and zones and then make the judgement on the quality of the product.

This analysis does not belong to the list of scientifically recognized analysis. Conventional science can not through its tools, scientifically describe an analysis of this type, with their special and unique features. This is the limit that sometimes separates conventional science with observation holistic goethenian science own biodynamic.


Cristallizzazione Ca Fiui

C1) full crystallization, harmonious and well-formed. Vacuole centered and speculate. Well-formed structure to the outskirts and weaving full. Beautiful image biodynamic wine


Cristallizzazione Campi Magri

C2) rare and interesting crystallization. Multivacuolare. Three centers well in a sign of great vitality formats. Then harmonic structure and texture full. Excellent high quality image.

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